Lucky Night Studio

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How to add more personality and character to your website

Are you tired of your dull and lifeless website that lack personality and charm? Well, fear not, Lucky Night are here to help you spice things up in the web room!

Get creative with colour

Firstly, let's talk about colour. Why settle for boring shades of grey and beige when you can add some interest and flavour with bright and bold colours? Don't be afraid to play around with different colour schemes that reflect your brand's unique personality - you want your customers to recognise your style immediately. You can even add some playful animations or graphics (like the SVGs included in our template range) that will make your website stand out from the hoard.

Write character-filled copy

Another fantastic way to add personality to your website is through your copy. Ditch the robotic, jargon-filled language in place of humour and wit for more personality-filled feel. After all, who doesn't love a good pun or clever wordplay? Make your audience laugh and engage with them on a more personal level, this will do wonders for building your brand as an industry-leader. Our templates are full to bursting with useful prompts to help you write more engaging web copy.

Get personal with imagery

Let's not forget about the importance of images and videos. These visual elements are a powerful tool for expressing your brand's unique personality to your clients and customers. Show off your team's unique quirks and personalities through fun and playful brand photography, or by choosing stock imagery that aligns with your vibe. You could even create some entertaining short videos that will introduce your business or showcase your products/services in a creative and engaging way.

Make it fun & engaging

One often overlooked way to add personality to your website is by creating a unique user experience. Think about how your users interact with your website and try to make it more fun and engaging with playful animations or interactive elements that users can play around with. A great place to start is with button and navigation animations, or animated backgrounds. This not only makes your site more enjoyable to use, but it also helps to keep users on your site for longer.

Link up your socials

Don't forget about the power of social media integration! By incorporating your social media profiles into your website, you can showcase your brand in a more informal and personal way, and give your users much-needed ‘behind the scenes’ access. This is a great way to connect with your audience on a more human level and build a stronger relationship with them.

Add personal touches

Last but not least, don't forget to add some personal touches that make your website feel like home. Include plenty of fun facts about your team or share some personal stories that highlight your brand's values & show you’re the right choice for your customer. This will not only make your website more engaging but also build trust and rapport with your audience.

Adding more personality to your website is a surefire way to stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on your audience. So, go ahead and have some fun with it! After all, life is too short to have a boring website.